This is a proposal to replace the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act with a NSW Better Places Act.

How to read this proposal

  • Our vision: An introductory overview of what we hope to achieve.  Read more >
  • How it will work: What we think is wrong with the existing system and how we propose to fix it. Read more >
  • Draft bill: A Plain English question and answer bill. Read more >
  • Example: What a new land record will look like. Read more >
  • Q&A: All the things you might think we haven’t covered! Read more >
  • Restore community trust and involvement in the NSW planning system.
  • Make the planning system more efficient, understandable and transparent by adopting the latest digital technology.
  • Focus the planning system on achieving better places.
  • Provide an agile planning system better able to respond to climate change and technological advances.